Jonathan Martin

16mm film still: a woman in a red dress walking in a station of the rapid transit system in Paris
Veruca (2018–24). 16 mm film transferred to digital file. Colour, mono, 9'32
An iphone picture showing a lamp made from a worn pair of New Balance 530 sneakers and white LEDs
Île concrète (2025), in Real Fictions / Naufragé.e.s, MABA, 15.01–27.04.2025
16mm film still: a woman in a red dress walking in a station of the rapid transit system in Paris
Airwaves (2022). 16 mm film transferred to digital file. Colour, silent, 1'00 loop. In Le corps collectif, Galerie Michel Journiac, Paris, 05.02–08.03.2025