Jonathan Martin


Jonathan Martin (b. 1986) uses 16mm film, sound pieces and environments to probe the geographies of sensation in sharp, exacting compositions. They are the editor of Turpentine, published since 2013 with Jean-Luc Blanc and Mimosa Echard.

Recomposing systems formed of echoes, migrations, tensions and interactions between esthetic and cultural motifs that are at times quite unrelated, Jonathan Martin views art as a poetics of passage where permutations and displacements offer the possibility of a new narrative. – Julien Fronsacq

And also

Turpentine (2013–now). Edited and published with Jean-Luc Blanc, Mimosa Echard, and our guests: Martine Aballéa, Matias Agafonovas, Simon Bergala, Bettina Blanc-Penther, Michel Blazy, Bruno Botella, Cécile Bouffard, Anne Bourse, Costanza Candeloro, Julien Carreyn with Clara Dupont and Chiara Mila Jason, Oscar Chan Yik Long, Nina Childress, Béatrice Cussol, Bertrand Dezoteux, Sylvie Fanchon, Thomas Fougeirol, Laura Gozlan, Louise Hallou, Yu Ji, Céleste Lerouxel, Andrew Lewis, Aodhan Madden, Ji-Min Park, Emilie Pitoiset, Clément Rodzielski, Élodie Seguin, Jo-ey Tang, Gaia Vincensini, and Camille Vivier.